Phila Primus


Phila Primus (* 1991) is a multimedia artist, poet and lyricist from a Czech-German-American background. Currently based in Prague. Through her visual works, she mediates a sense of heightened consciousness, intertwined with biological, temporal, physical, social, linguistic and symbolic orders. The body and consciousness – the consciousness of the body – becomes the starting point for further visual explorations of the unconscious, the force field between freedom and determination, whether genetic, cultural, personal and social. Her work is connected by numerous threads to the tradition of surrealism – contemplative, imaginative and reflective, she moves in the terrain of the unconscious, employing contemplation, imagination and reflection, and lucidly portrays the absurdity of realism.

Solo Exibitions

    2024 – LOOK CLOSER, A (VOID) Gallery, Praha
    2023 – Pop Up 2.0, Gabriel loci, Praha
    2023 – Bytí svítí, Kampus Hybernská, Praha
    2017 – The Body and it’s Sense(s) / Tělo a (S) mysl, Vrchlického Divadlo, Louny
    2016 – Lůnění. Galerie Caesar, Olomouc 
    2015 – Ani Ryba Ani pták, Galerie Emila Juliše, Louny
    2015 – Inside out, Galerie Hřívnáč, Opava
    2014 – 76 % ticho, Artinbox, Praha

Group Exibitions

    2023 – Ornament, Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
2023 – Festival Prague art week
    2022 – Co nám nedá den dá nám noc festival, Gabriel Loci, Praha
    2021 – Patos milosrdenství nižší jakosti, Prague Bienalle Re-connect art
    2021 – Kořeny, Stella Polaris, Žihobce
    2021 – 30 let Galerie Caesar!, Olomouc
    2017 – Festival ART PRAGUE / ArtinBox, Praha
    2014 – Peace Please! ArtinBox, Praha
    2012 – Snění / Dreaming. ArtinBox, Praha
    2010 – Vrai ou Faux rehearsal. Rencontres d’Arles de la Photographie, Arles, FR